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Podlive lets you listen to Podcasts - live! You can mark your favourite channels to get notified by Apples built-in push notifications immediately when a channel starts streaming. Never miss a podcast livestream!

• Notifications: Mark podcasts as your favourites and receive push notifications every time they start a live stream. Never miss a live stream again!
• Chat: Open the chat for each show directly from Podlive and get in touch with other listeners of the show.
• Syncing: If you use Podlive on your Mac too all your settings will be synced automatically by your Podlive account.
• Listeners: You can always see how many people are currently listening to a running livestream.
• Subscribe: If you discover a show on Podlive you like you can subscribe to this podcast in your favourite podcast client and listen to all existing episodes.
• Chose between two available themes: Aqua and Dark

Podlive currently supports all podcasts lifestreams broadcasting via Studio Link OnAir.